Hongcms 4.0.0

Because there is no filtering of the Host header, there are at least two SQL injections.


When we fill out the information, click Submit and capture the package.Modify the Host value to ' or updatexml(1, concat(0x7e,user(),0x7e),1) or 'Add X-Forwarded-For and it’s value is a,then we put the package.

We can also add an administrator account or an active normal account.

Host: ',1,'',''),(1,1,'aadmin',md5('12345'),'','1554448599','
X-Forwarded-For: a

Added a active user for the below.

The active user has been inserted in the database.

Because register need to re-catch each time,we can use the login to get more information.


Use the active user to login,and catch the package.Modify the Host value to ',nickname=user(),lastip ='Add X-Forwarded-For and it’s value is a,then we put the package.